Mission, Vision, Core Value Statements


A sacred space for spiritual transformation in Christ


All Saints’ Carmel aspires to be a grateful and loving community centered on spiritual transformation in Christ. God calls us to seek wisdom with open minds and hearts, trusting that the Spirit will lead us to selfless contemplation and action.

Core Values

Spiritual Formation
We seek to live a generous spiritual life rooted in the contemplative wisdom tradition as expressed in the practices of listening, learning, prayer, and loving service.

We receive all fellow pilgrims as Christ. In a spirit of humility and love we are called to service and reconciliation in our world.

The center of our common life is Eucharistic worship, the sacrament where we experience the living presence of Christ. We lift up our hearts and minds and glorify God through liturgy that embodies the dynamic heritage of the Episcopal Church.

We celebrate God as the source of all beauty and joy. We treasure the gifts of nature and human creativity in our garden, our exceptional surroundings, our sacred house of worship, and in the music and artistic expression that grace it.

We come together often in social and spiritual gatherings to nurture our relationship with one another. We seek to become one in mind and heart by living out our Parish Covenant.

Responsible Living
We are committed to the sustainable future of All Saints’, our community, and our planet. We strive for individual and communal accountability and the preservation of our God-given resources, with the view to future generations who should inherit a world that is as viable and beautiful as God intends.

Parish Covenant

All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Carmel, aspires to be an intentional learning community that desires to practice what we preach. We seek spiritual transformation and evolution through the cultivation of an open mind, heart, and will and through our commitment to these spiritual practices:

We develop self-awareness in order to listen deeply to the movement of the spirit in ourselves and in one another.

We accept that there is an opportunity for plenty of growth in ourselves.

Loving Kindness
We respect the values, needs, and convictions in one another thereby acknowledging the Christ in the other which manifests in a generous and forgiving spirit towards each other’s failings.

Honest & Loving Speech
We speak respectfully and truthfully to one another.

  • We honor confidentiality.
  • We take ownership of what we think and say by using “I” statements.
  • We speak directly to one another rather than complaining to a third party.

We choose to welcome every person and inquire about and nurture their well-being.

We value being together as a community and we gather together often for fellowship to deepen our relationships.

We embody accountability through our commitment to offer our resources (attention, creative energy, skills, and money) for the benefit of our community.