Retreat Cottage
Find rest and spiritual renewal

Reservations for Dame Julian of Norwich Retreat Cottage
Guests are welcome to stay for a minimum of two nights and up to two weeks. Extended stays may sometimes be accommodated with special arrangements depending on the time of year.
Reservations must be made at least one week in advance.
Your stay in the cottage is on a donation basis. Our suggested donations per night are: $135, Monday – Thursday, and $165 Friday – Sunday. Donations should be paid in full at the time of the reservation.
PLEASE follow these steps to secure a reservation:
- BEFORE filling out a Reservation & Intent Form, PLEASE check availability first by emailing our Parish Administrator at: You will be notified by return email if the dates you requested are available. It is recommended that you give more than one option, as your first choice of dates may not be available.
- Only AFTER availability has been confirmed by the Parish Administrator, click on the “Reservation & Intent Form” button below and complete your reservation request, stating your intention while on retreat. After your form is submitted, it will be reviewed by our rector, and then we will contact you by email.
- Make your reservation payment in full AFTER your reservation has been confirmed.
Checks for reservation payment may be made payable to All Saints’ Episcopal Church and mailed to the address provided; indicate “Retreat Cottage” on the memo line, along with your reservation dates:
All Saints’ Episcopal Church — Attn. Larissa: Retreat Cottage
P.O. Box 1296
Carmel, CA 93921-1296
You may also make your reservation donation online with a credit card by going to: Be sure to choose “Cottage” in the “FUND: Choose a Fund” drop down menu. PLEASE NOTE: CC payments using the above link will be assessed an additional $10 fee that goes directly to our credit card service.

Directed Retreats
If you would like spiritual support during your retreat, please let us know in advance so that we can schedule to meet with you. Our experienced directors are available to guide you and help you plan your time of rest and spiritual renewal. Fees for spiritual direction may be arranged with the retreat director you select.
The Rev. Amber Sturgess: Rev. Amber is the Rector at All Saints’, a spiritual director, and a seeker on the contemplative path. She enjoys leading retreats and teaching contemplative practices that deepen our spiritual awareness. She is a long-time practitioner of Centering Prayer and is a Centering Prayer workshop facilitator with Contemplative Outreach. See our calendar for upcoming workshops.
Mr. Bill Reed: Bill spent eight years as a monk with the Order of Discalced Carmelites and the Carthusians and was a teacher of theological education for twenty years. He leads the Friends of St. Benedict’s spirituality group at All Saints’ and teaches the Wednesday Bible Study.