Online Services All Saints Church Carmel California

All Saints’ has migrated primarily to pre-recording worship services and posting them for online viewing via vimeo. For the foreseeable future, as we continue to Shelter in Place during the ongoing pandemic, worship services will be recorded and other gatherings, such as Centering Prayer and Morning Prayer will be offered via ZOOM or cell-phone call-in.

In order to help support our sense of community in this truly virtual world we encourage our parishioners to watch on Sunday mornings at the usual 10:30 a.m. service time. Then, with an invitation to our members, regular attenders, and friends, we host “Coffee Hour LIVE!” via Zoom immediately following the service where we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, share important announcements, and try to catch up with a little of what is going on in our lives while we’re spending a lot of time at home.

In addition to this weekly opportunity to check in with each other, we have also organized geographic groupings of our parishioners with a designated coordinator for each. We have set our intention for these groups on gratitude, thus the name Gratitude Groups. As the weeks may yet stretch on within the Shelter in Place structure, we are hopeful that these groups will become a meaningful connecting point for our parishioners—a place to find support, encouragement, information, and spiritual companionship.

If you are looking for opportunities to experience God in community or could use some support during these challenging and uncertain times, we hope you’ll join us for a service or prayer/meditation gathering.

Watch ONLINE Sunday Services.

Click for sign-in info for Morning Prayer and Centering Prayer/Meditation.